Jeff’s Color Contrast Analyzer

Analyze color contrast between multiple colors, up to 50 colors total, in any of these formats:

  • Hex: #FFF, #FFFFFF, #FFFA (with alpha), #FFFFFFAA (with alpha)
  • RGB and RGBA: rgb(255, 255, 255) and rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
  • HSL and HSLA: hsl(360, 100%, 100%) and hsla(180deg 15.38% 94.9%, 0.5)
  • CSS Named Colors, like “black”, “white”, or “coral”
  • HSB: hsb(240, 100%, 100%) and hsb(120, 50, 75)
  • HWB: hwb(12 50% 0%) and hwb(0 100% 0% / 50%);
  • Lab: lab(80% 100 50) and lab(50% 40 59.5 / 0.5)
  • LCH: lch(50% 70 200) and lch(52.2345% 72.2 56.2 / .5)
  • Oklab: oklab(59% 0.1 0.1) and oklab(59% 0.1 0.1 / 0.5)
  • Oklch: oklch(60% 0.15 50) and oklch(60% 0.15 50 / 0.5)
  • CMYK: cmyk(100%, 0%, 0%, 0%) and cmyk(0, 100, 100, 0)
  • CSS syntax is also accepted (e.g., “color: #FFF;” or “background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);”)
  • Note: from, calc(), and color() are not supported.

Labels can be added to a color by placing the label before a colon, like “link: #2C5491”

This code took 0.002276 seconds to execute, which is 2 milliseconds.